Issue |
Volume 11, 2014
Page(s) | 79 - 84 | |
Section | Short papers | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 October 2015 |
Ozone spatialization in urban and hinterland areas*
Université de Nice-Sophia, Equipe G.V.E. de l’UMR Espace 7300 du CNRS, 98 Bd E. Herriot, 06204 Nice cedex 3 – France
Despite the air-quality monitoring networks run by approved organizations, large numbers of areas in France suffer from a lack of information about air pollution levels. Pollutant modeling enables such information gaps to be filled, albeit with certain limits. The approach used in this article to model average ozone concentrations in the city of Nice is based on environmental regression. The variables used refer to urban morphology, topography and weather conditions. The resulting model allows 70% of spatial variations in ozone pollution in Nice to be explained.
Key words: atmospheric pollution / modeling / multiple regression
© Association internationale de climatologie 2014
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