Issue |
Volume 11, 2014
Page(s) | 72 - 78 | |
Section | Short papers | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 October 2015 |
Vegetation in the urban area of tunis: a study of impacts on temperature and light*
Université de Sfax, unité de recherche GREVACHOT, Sfax – Tunisie
Université de Carthage, équipe de Recherche sur les Ambiances, Carthage – Tunisie
Université de Sfax, Laboratoire SYFACTE, Sfax – Tunisie
LANDSAT and ASTER images enabled us to detect increased surface coolness corresponding to urban parks that heat up less than the artificial substrate. Maximum temperature differences reached 7°C diurnally and over 10°C at night. Field measurements showed that these green spaces lower air temperatures by 1 to 2°C during the day and by about 3°C at night. The study showed that the intensity of the urban park effect in Tunis depends on the size of the vegetated area, the volume of plant biomass and irrigation. Vegetation enables streets to cool by 1 to 2°C during daytime sunshine hours in summer. Light measurement showed special lighting effects in vegetated streets that diminish bright light and provide a comfortable visual perception.
Key words: green space / temperature / cool island / light / Tunis
© Association internationale de climatologie 2014
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