Open Access

Table 1

Characters of station pairs; WV = wide valley, NV = narrow valley, P = plateau, S = summit, US = upper slope. Caractères des paires de stations; WV = vallée large, NV = vallée étroite, P = plateau, S = sommet, US = haut de versant.

Local stations Elevation low station Elevation high station Amplitude Topography low station Topography high station
A-A1 265 475 210 WV P

B-B1 326 431 105 WV P

C-C1 320 437 117 WV P

D-D1 542 929 387 NV S

D-D2 542 727 185 NV US

D-D3 542 969 427 NV US

D-D4 542 1103 561 NV P

E-E1 1047 1228 181 WV US

F-F1 536 710 174 NV P

G-G1 801 1005 204 WV US

G-G2 801 1235 434 WV S

H-H1 883 981 98 WV S

Regional stations Elevation low station Elevation high station Amplitude Topography low station Topography high station

A-A2 265 1117 852 WV P

B-E1 326 1228 902 WV US

B-G2 326 1235 909 WV S

C-H1 320 981 661 WV S

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