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Dispositif expérimental de mesure de l’évapotranspiration réelle d’un couvert végétal (tour à flux; méthode rapport de Bowen) dans l’orangeraie El-Salam. Site of the studies plot (orange grove of 80 ha) - measurement of the actual evapotranspiration using the Bowen-ratio method. Measurements were made on the field scale with the 20 minute step time resolution the air temperature, relative air humidity (R.H. probe HMP35AC, Vaisala®, Helsinki, Finland), wind speed (anemometer A100R, Vector Instruments®, Rhyl, UK), and this, on two levels, at 5 m and 2 m above the orange grove’s soil surface. The global radiation (pyranometer sensor Li-200SZ, Li-cor®, NE, USA) and net radiation (net radiometer REBS/Q-7, Campbell Scientific®, Logan, USA) were measured at 6 m above the orange grove’s soil surface. The mean soil temperature was measured at 0.15, 0.25, 0.35 and 0.45 m depth (107 probes, Campbell Scientific®, Logan, USA). R.H. probes HMP35AC and anemometers were set up on a mast « UT920/UT930® » removable and fixed.
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